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Change or no change decisions


Between dodging change and chasing it, there exists a wide space for making choices. 

I could have avoided some poor decisions if I had recognized sooner that I was a change ninja.

If you are prone to resisting change, here are a couple of brain teasers to consider:

How can change ensure that everything important in the status quo is safeguarded?

In what ways can change guarantee that everything important stays the same?

And if you are a change champion, here are some that will offer fresh perspectives:

How can things change by staying the same?

What will change if things stay the same?

These are simple and effective ways of adding flexibility in our thinking when making decisions.

Often enough we tend to be closer to the extremes when it comes to accepting or resisting changes even if we are not immediately conscious of this.

Such questions allow us to move away from what has become a default way of thinking when making decisions.

I was a change-pro who was blissfully unaware of how this occasionally meant that I was too quick to seek something new or made it challenging for others to collaborate with me. The moment I was made aware of it I had the opportunity to make a choice and be more purposeful in my decisions.

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