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Why would a finance person learn human behaviour?

  • 3 years and 3 exams for gaining the Charted Financial Analyst certification

  • 2 years for becoming a Professional Risk Manager

  • 2 years of study on a Masters in Financial Analysis and Valuation

  • 3 years on a Bachelors in Finance

  • 12 years of work in investments and finance

And the difference that made a difference was a better understanding of the human behaviour because:

- it provided me with more choices; - it allowed me to make better choices; - it provided me with new ways of thinking and - it empowered me to really leverage my technical knowledge; facts, figures, models can easily loose their objectivity when they are build by humans or assessed by humans. One needs to manage mental biases and become conscious of unconscious processes to make more accurate estimates, more relevant models and more actionable plans.

Any professional, regardless of his/her sector stands to gain from learning about human behavior.

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