Pe scurt despre multitasking, creativitate si prioritizare
Până nu demult ma mandream cu abilitățile mele de multitasking. De la "tradiționala" masa de pranz în fata calculatorului, la scris...
Până nu demult ma mandream cu abilitățile mele de multitasking. De la "tradiționala" masa de pranz în fata calculatorului, la scris...
E trimestrul bugetelor și planificării pentru majoritatea companiilor motiv pentru care va aduc în atenție câteva bune practici pe care...
Trebuie sa luăm decizii în fiecare zi, unele intuitive, altele atent analizate. În fiecare caz însă suntem influențați de anumite...
Entrepreneurs are often results-driven individuals and many of them stand out as what we would normally call real goal-getters. These are...
Storytelling is a great marketing skill and also a good leadership skill. It should be learnt by any entrepreneur who is looking to...
1. TAKE STOCK OF THE RISK a. Look at your cash-flow projections (if you don’t have some building them is a MUST) and judge your...
With global markets taking a hit, private companies founders are naturally asking themselves how have the past few months affected the...
Research has shown that physiological and psychological stress both influence our hormones and, as a result, affect our behaviour. Most...
Disruption is used in the business environment when discussing about alternatives that have the potential to challenge a well-established...
Heading a company in its early days during this period requires balancing prudence and vision. Avoid acting out if inertia. To make my...
Remote work has benefits and also downsize risks. Some say it’s not for everyone and some also point out that some of the early adopters...
Incidentally a few days ago I was pointing out that any financial #forecasts have to reflect the business #strategy of the company, its...
A small weekend teaser: what situations can you think of when perfect can be the enemy of good? Thinking about #business life, a few... I am surprised to see that often enough the managers or entrepreneurs asking for financial projections fail to...
Judging by available surveys, micromanaging is quite wide spread and makes many employees unsatisfied with their job. To avoid it, many...
The net promoter score (NPS) continues to be widely used as it is seen as a simple way of judging customer satisfaction/experience. By...
When faced with a challenge the common tendency is to make your best to focus on it, to repeat it over and over again, write is down etc....
Whenever discussing a business idea, there is inevitably a lot of discussion around competition. How many competitors are there? How big...
Companies are increasingly acknowledging that in order to highlight the value of their product/service they need to present what's the...
I have spoken about the valuation on sweat equity in another post and yet an equally important question is "who should receive sweat...